It's been a week and a half, since I last blogged, so I thought what better time to do so. Febuary is one of the emotional months from the salute to Black History Month to giving a special day to that a romantic love one. But all and in all it's all emotional. Through my career in the industry, I've had some great supporters, who mainly been my fans. It's funny how some people say that fans can be fickle, they love you when you up and winning, and hate you when your down. I guess the best thing with being in this industry and having fans, is there is never a moment where one is down (no pun intended) LOL So I figure since they supported me and showed so much love. Why don't I give back. Now you ask how would you give back, giving free BJ! Right NOT!! lol, but something a little close to that. I'm having a contest for Valentines Day "Be My Valentines Nyomi" where you guys my sexy fans have a chance to win a 1 on 1 private cam session with me on Valentines day!!! I've posted a video for you to view for more details!!! 21 YRS OR OLDER TO ENTER! LIVE DRAWING VIA USTREAM!!!! EMAIL YOUR NAME TO BEMYVALENTINENYOMI@GMAIL.COM!!!